Latest version.
  • Each of the following officers shall give bond in proper form and to be approved, provided the bonds for the several officers shall be in the penal sum as follows: City Council Member, $1,000; Finance Director-City Treasurer, $25,000; City Clerk-Assistant Finance Director, $25,000; or in such amounts as may be amended from time to time by the City Council.
    (‘63 Code, § 1-7-3) (Am. Ord. 05-54, passed 11-7-05)
    (B) The bonds and oaths of appointive officers shall be filed with the Clerk immediately upon their appointment and before entering by them upon the duties of their offices, and the bonds and oaths of elective officers shall be filed with the Clerk within the time prescribed by statute for their qualifications. Officers, elective or appointive, who are required to give bonds shall file their official oath in writing therewith. All such officers as are not required to give bond shall file their official oath in writing in the office of the Clerk. No officer shall be deemed to have qualified until the officer has complied with the terms of this chapter as to bonds and oaths.
    (‘63 Code, § 1-7-4)
    Statutory reference:
    Appointed officers, see Neb. RS 16-308, 16-309 and 16-310