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  • (A) Receptacles; residential. It shall be the duty of every owner or occupant of any residential premises where meals are served or where garbage or refuse is created or accumulated to provide and keep on the premises suitable and sufficient watertight, rodent-proof and insect-proof metal or plastic receptacles, equipped with a tight-fitting lid and handles or a bail for easy handling. Such receptacles shall not exceed the industry standard for the specific location/purpose. In multi-family residential areas, where the owner or manager of the premises rents a portion thereof to two or more families or occupants, the owner or manager shall provide a suitable receptacle for garbage to be used by all tenants or occupants which shall be placed on the portion of the premises as not to create a nuisance. For the purposes of collection, refuse shall be placed in garbage cans for garbage or placed in containers or packages suitable to enable the refuse to be easily and quickly picked up by the collector.
    (B) Receptacles; nonresidential. It shall be the duty of every owner or occupant of any nonresidential premises where meals are served or where garbage or refuse is created or accumulated to provide on such premises suitable and sufficient watertight, rodent-proof and insect-proof metal or plastic receptacles, equipped with a tight-fitting lid and handles or a bail for easy handling, provided, other receptacles may be used upon approval of the Director. Except as provided above, garbage receptacles in nonresidential areas shall not exceed the industry standard for the specific location/purpose. Fifty-five gallon barrels or drums shall not be permitted as garbage receptacles.
    (C) Duty to keep clean. It shall be the duty of every person to keep his or her garbage receptacles or waste cans reasonably clean and free from offensive odors.
    (D) Receptacles; storage. All receptacles and cans used for the collection of garbage and refuse shall be kept on the rear of the lot or at a convenient place upon the private premises to facilitate the collection thereof; provided, that where residential premises do not abut alleys, all baskets, boxes, plastic sacks, bundles, or other containers, shall be placed by the owner or occupant of any such residential premises at the curb adjacent to the premises prior to the time of collection to facilitate the collection thereof. In no event shall receptacles, cans, or storage racks be located or permitted in City alleys, easements, or other City right-of-way.
    (E) Receptacles; repair or replacement. If garbage cans or receptacles are in a state of disrepair, or do not meet the requirements of this subchapter, it shall be the duty of the owner to make such repair or replacement as may be necessary.
    (‘63 Code, § 8-2-9) (Ord. 05-22, passed 3-21-05) Penalty, see § 10.99