Latest version.
  • Before any water main which is constructed by a private person or entity and connected to the City water system will be accepted and service commenced, the following requirements must be met:
    (A) The water mains must pass all pressure tests required by either the PW/ES Department or the City Engineer;
    (B) The water mains must pass all water quality tests required by the City of Columbus or any State or Federal agency;
    (C) The registered professional engineer must inspect and approve the water main and issue a certificate of completion attesting that the water mains were constructed in accordance with the water main construction plans and specifications;
    (D) The PW/ES Director and City Engineer must accept the engineer’s certificate of completion; and
    (E) Records must be presented to the Department in hard copy format and on disk in a current AutoCAD format. Data shown on the plans shall be as specified by the Department.