§ 52.106. EXCAVATIONS.  

Latest version.
  • (A) In making excavations in the streets for the laying of service pipe or making repairs, the paving and earth removed must be deposited in a manner that will render the least inconvenience to the public and provide for the passage of water along the gutter.
    (B) No person shall leave any excavation made in the street or highway open at any time without barricades and during the night, red lights must be maintained at such excavations. After service pipes are laid, in refilling the opening, the earth must be laid in layers of not more than nine feet in depth and each layer thoroughly tamped or settled with water. The streets and sidewalks must be restored to as good a condition as before making the excavations and all dirt, stones and rubbish must be removed immediately after completing the work. Should an excavation in any street, avenue or alley be left open or unfinished for the space of 24 hours, or should the work be improperly done, or rubbish not removed, the Water Utility Department shall have the right to finish the work or correct it and the expense incurred shall be charged to the plumber and shall be paid by the plumber before the water is turned on. No opening of the streets for the tapping of the mains will be permitted when the ground is frozen, except upon permission of the Plumbing Inspector.
    (‘63 Code, § 3-3-18) (Ord. 3060, passed 10-7-85; Am. Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-03) Penalty, see § 52.999