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  • (A) The franchise granted herein is non-exclusive. The City specifically reserves the right to grant, at any time, additional franchises for a cable television system in accordance with State and Federal law. The City agrees that any grant of additional franchises by the City to any other entity to provide cable or video service shall not be on terms and conditions that when taken as a whole are more favorable or less burdensome to the franchisee of any such additional franchise than those which are provided to an incumbent franchisee.
    (B) If the City grants a cable television franchise or other right to provide cable service to another person on terms which overall provide greater benefits or impose lesser burdens than provided to an incumbent franchisee, the City agrees to amend the incumbent's franchise (effective upon the grant to said other person) to overall provide such greater benefits or lesser burdens.
    (Ord. 13-08, passed 6-3-13)